Options for Lactating Students

Locations of Lactation Rooms
Hawk Union Building (HUB/H-Building): the lactation room is located behind the student ID station outside of Student Services.
Coordinator: Amanda Ursino, 509-542-4513 or aursinoFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN
Social Sciences & World Languages Building (SWL Building): the lactation room is located on the second floor in the East Wing Suite hallway.
Contact: 509-544-4914
Health Science Center: the lactation room is located on the third floor at the east end of the hallway in
room HSC 323.
Coordinator: Kathy Hayes, 509-544-8306 or khayesFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN
Medical Science Center: the lactation room is located on the third floor in room MSC 314. This room is available on a first-come, first-served basis only.
Coordinator: Valerie Burnett, 509-542-4571 or vburnettFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN
Lactation Room Guidelines
- The Lactation Rooms are for use by nursing mothers only and may be used by employees and students. Registration with the appropriate coordinator (as stated above) is required for use on an ongoing basis.
- The Lactation Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, Monday-Friday, during business hours and as scheduled, though drop-ins are allowed if the room is available. The person whose name appears on the schedule at a designated time has priority to use the room at that time.
- If you need to see when the room is available or you would like to be added to the schedule, please contact the appropriate coordinator listed above. If you use a Lactation Room, it is your responsibility to keep yourself on schedule and notify the coordinator of any changes in your schedule and/or discontinued use of the room.
- Mothers using the space are responsible for providing personal breast pumps and accessories.
- Abuse of any Lactation Room will suspend your right to use it and may result in disciplinary action as appropriate.
- It is the responsibility of everyone using the Lactation Rooms to clean up after themselves. This is not only out of respect for the next user, but to prevent contamination and illness transmission. The custodial staff will clean the rooms nightly as part of the regular cleaning schedule.
- Milk stored in the Lactation Rooms should be properly labeled with the mother’s name and date, so it is not inadvertently confused with another mother’s milk. Each person is responsible for proper storage of expressed milk. The College will not be responsible for stored milk and milk left in the refrigerator, but not retrieved within three (3) calendar days will be properly discarded.